Unity 3d modelling
Unity 3d modellingunity 3d modelling
  1. Unity 3d modelling how to#
  2. Unity 3d modelling license key#
  3. Unity 3d modelling simulator#

You will notice the Guide View disappear, which indicates that tracking has started, but there will be no visible augmentation for now.

  • Align the Guide View with your real-world object.
  • You will notice an outlined representation of the object to be tracked - this is the Guide View.

    Unity 3d modelling simulator#

  • Use Vuforia's Play Mode in Unity and either attach a standard webcam to your computer or the simulator mode if the object is not at hand, and press the Play button in Unity.
  • If you start Play mode or build your app, it will not appear. The purpose of this model is to aid you in placing an augmentation relative to specific parts of the physical object itself - it is only visible in the Scene view of the Unity Editor.
  • You will notice that in your scene, there is a preview model representing the Model Target.
  • See Configuration for Advanced Model Target Databases in the section below for more information. If you are using Advanced Model Target databases, then choosing a Guide View Mode is not required.
  • Also, in the Model Target Behaviour component, set the Guide View Mode to Guide View 2D. From the Guide View dropdown menu, select the view you want the user to align with the Model Target.
  • If you are using a miniature version of a large-scale real-world object for development, you will need to change the dimensions to match the real-world object when shipping your production app.įor more information on scaling Model Targets, see Best Practices for Scaling Model Targets and Virtual Scene Scale Factor in Unity.

    unity 3d modelling

  • Make sure that the Physical Length, Physical Width and Physical Height fields match the dimensions of your real-world object, in meters.
  • In the Inspector window, select the appropriate Database in the Model Target Behaviour component (it should match the *.unitypackage you imported earlier):.
  • If a Model Target Database has not yet been imported beforehand, you are given the option to import a default database provided by Vuforia. Select the newly created GameObject in the scene hierarchy window.
  • Go to the GameObject menu -> Vuforia Engine -> Model Targets -> Model Target to create a ModelTarget GameObject in your scene.
  • With the Vuforia SDK Engine 8.3, the GameObjects ModelRecognition and ModelTarget are now collected into a single ModelTarget GameObject. NOTE: An overview of the different imported databases can be found in the Vuforia Configuration which is accessible through the ARCamera GameObject.Ĭonfiguration for a Model Target with one or more Guide Views This is attained by selecting GameObject -> Vuforia Engine -> Model Target. The default Model Target database is comprised of the NASA Viking Lander with two Guide Views (front and back). Alternatively, a default Model Target database can be imported by creating a ModelTarget GameObject before importing a database.
  • Import the Model Target database: go to the Assets menu -> Import Package -> Custom Package… and select the *.unitypackage file created in the previous step.
  • You will be using the *.unitypackage file generated from this app.
  • If you haven't already done so, generate a Model Target database using the Model Target Generator.
  • Using Model Targets and Ground Planes without Device Tracker will present an error. NOTE: The Device Tracker is now enabled by default in new Vuforia enabled Unity projects.

    Unity 3d modelling license key#

    Paste your license key in the App License Key text field.

    unity 3d modelling

  • Open the Vuforia Configuration window ( Window menu -> Vuforia Configuration and expand the Global section if it is not already expanded.
  • Unity 3d modelling how to#

    See this article on how to obtain the NASA Viking Lander model and its 3D printing instructions. NOTE: A license key is not necessary when using the Vuforia Sample package with the NASA Viking Lander model. Please refer to the Vuforia License Manager guide on how to obtain a Vuforia Engine license key.

  • Obtain a License Key for your project.
  • Replace the default Main Camera with an ARCamera by going to the GameObject menu -> Vuforia Engine -> AR Camera.
  • Remove the default Main Camera from the scene.
  • Add the Vuforia Engine package to your Unity project as explained in this article.
  • Creating your first Model Target Experience

    Unity 3d modelling